If you are a veteran looking for a VA approved cosmetology school teaching hair design, barbering, cosmetology and instructor courses in Mount Vernon; Washington Beauty And Barber College is the perfect school for you.
Getting a license is just the first step to starting your own career as a hair stylist. The second step is creating a professional resume, and the last is getting a job at a local salon. At the Washington Beauty And Barber College, we will help guide you through all steps of starting your own career.
Washington Beauty And Barber College is approved as a Non-College Degree, non-accredited school by the WT&ECB.
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in becoming a student of the Washington Beauty And Barber College. New classes start every 4 weeks for day school and evening school.
Start Dates
Cosmetologist and Hair Design
- 10/23/2024
- 01/07/2025
- 10/23/2024
- 01/07/2025
- 10/23/2024
- 01/06/2025
- 10/23/2024
- 01/08/2025